المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : مثال على قاعدة انجليزي ثالث متوسط ف1

ناويه أعقل
2009-12-19, 10:04 PM
السسلآم عليكــم وآلرحـمـآ .. :000:

تسيف الآحـوآل ؟ :oo5o.com (4):

لو سمحتم أبي أمثلة لـ القآعـدآت في الصف الثالث متوسط ف1 ..

في الوحدآآ الخآمسسة .. ^^

اللي هم باترن a وباترن B ..

وأكون ششآكرآ لكم :oo5o.com (4)::oo5o.com (4):

خريج بكالوريوس
2009-12-19, 10:54 PM
ما اقدر البي أي طلب في القسم

لوجود استاذة بالفعل راااااائعة

ننتظر رد بلسم جروح

ناويه أعقل
2009-12-19, 10:59 PM
مـآعليــه خيـؤؤ .. ^^

فيكم الخير والبركة جميعاً .. يعني لو تقدر تساعدنيـآ ياليت تسـآعد :):)

لأن ابا آلجمل ضروري مــآآره :):)

#*بلسم جروح*#
2009-12-22, 07:48 PM
شكرا لك خريج ومالنا غنى عن مساعدتكم

تفضلي اختي هدا الرابط فيه امثله حلوة كتير عن Pattern A

pattern 2

ADVISE: The teacher advised us to review for the examination.
ALLOW: The teacher doesn’t allow us to smoke in the classroom.
ASK: The teacher asked us to write a report on AIDS.
BEG: I begged John to take me the movies, but he refused.
CAUSE: Flowers cause some people to sneeze.
CHALLENGE: Sean challenged David to cross the river in five minutes.
COMPEL: I cannot compel you to study; you are already adults and know what you do.
COMMAND: The colonel commanded the soldiers to stand at attention.
ENABLE: His support enabled us to complete our project.
ENCOURAGE: Our teacher usually encourages us to study every day.
EXPECT:15 I expect all of you to pass this course with high grades.
FORBID: My mother forbade me to go out at night; she says it’s dangerous.
FORCE: The thieves forced her to hand in all her belongings.
GET: The manager got John to resign; now he is unemployed.
HATE: I’d hate my wife to know about my previous love affairs.16
HELP: Stephen helped me to solve the math problems.
HIRE: I hired ten men to build my house quickly.
INSTRUCT: The secretary instructed me to complete the form before I left.
INTEND: My wife intends me to become a doctor.
INVITE: The committee invited all the members to participate in the discussions.
LIKE: I would like you to come for dinner tomorrow.
LOVE: I’d love you to go17 with to the dance tonight.
MEAN: I didn’t mean you to think you’re wrong.
ORDER: Because the player didn’t respect the umpire, the umpire ordered the player to leave the
PERMIT: I cannot permit you to do that to your children.
PERSUADE: Gladys finally persuaded her boyfriend to go to the dance with her.
PREFER: Mary prefers you to dance with her.
REMIND: Please remind me to pay the electricity bill before October 12.
REQUEST: His friends requested him to join their club.
REQUIRE: The test required us to know all about reported speech.
TEACH: My mother taught me (how) to read Quran
TELL: The teacher told us to come at seven tomorrow.
TEMPT: The offer of a good job tempted him to leave school.
URGE: The doctor urged my father to rest for a while.
WANT: I want you to go to town with me, nobody else.

ام سديم @
2010-10-15, 08:50 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية .

2011-01-15, 05:08 AM
مشكوووور يالغلا