المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : اختبار ثالث متوسط - منقول

عين غين
2010-10-15, 05:00 PM



Supply the missing part in the following dialogue:

Reema: I really need to improve my English.

Sarah: So do I. What ……… you……….to do?

Reema: Iam planning to work really hard this year.

Sarah: How ?

Reema: I'm going to …………. …………..and …………. ……..,I'm going to …………….. to same …………… ………... and speak English more often .


Read the following passage then answer the questions below;

Last Friday , Nora invited her friend to her house . Nora helped her mother in the kitchen. There were six girls in the living room . They ate cakes and watched T.V. Her friend returned home in the evening . It was a beautiful day. The girls were very happy.

1-Where did Noura invite her friends?


2-Put ( ) or ( ):

a-They watched T.V ( ).

b-It was a bad time . ( ).

3-Choose the correct word :

a-They ate (rice- cake- bananas).

b-The girls were in the ( class room- bed room-living room).

3-Information Questions:

1-Are people that plan a head more successful ?


2-In which country are the pyramids ?


4-Structure and Vocabulary:

a-Choose the correct answer:

1-He is(visit-visited- visiting)his grandfather next week.

2-I will (goes-go-went) to the school.

3-If I (was-am-were) talented, I would go to a school for the gifted.

4-If she goes to school early, she (would- will)arrive on time.

b-Do as shown between brackets:

1-He (buy) a ticket next month. (correct)


2-Iwill speak English. (change into negative)


3-Are you going to play football tomorrow? (complete)


4-If you (go) to India , you would see the pyramids. (correct)



1-Let's take a course next month.

-…………………………………………… (accept)

-…………………………………………… (refuse)

2-Choose the correct word:

a-The religion in Saudi Arabia is (Judaism-Christianity-Islam).

b-Al-Masmak fort is in (Italy -Lebanon –Riyadh).


a-Write the words you here:

1-……………… 2-……………………

3-…………….. 4-…………………….


2011-11-30, 10:44 AM
شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية .

علي هنداوي
2011-12-08, 03:46 PM
مشكورين على ما قدمتم

صمت القلوووب
2011-12-15, 03:29 AM
احسننننننننننننننننننننننننننننننننننننننننننننننن نننننننننننننننتم جدا